The classes of membership of Australian Karting Association Ltd are listed in Rule R2 of the constitution -
Membership of KA was an issue in a recent court case after KA disciplined a member (an individual) and then KA submitted that the person was not a member - Her Honour was not amused !
Financial members (as distinct from KA licence holders) of KA affiliated clubs who presently hold a valid track licence are members of KA (as are others).
Volunteers who help with AKA events are also members of KA under the KA constutution.
And under R4 of the KA constitution KA are required to keep a Register of Members including "category" which I presume means class. Does KA keep such a register ? Is it required by law ?
WHO put that and the "classes of members" in the same document ???
In my opinion nobody (including KA) would know whether many individuals are members of Australian Karting Association Ltd or not !
And can you be a member of a company without giving your approval ???
Greg the ordinary members are the state associations. The associate members are the clubs and the provisional members are the licence holders.
The state associations are represented by either a chairman or president, under instructions from that state or territory association.
There fore the register of members is of the States as Mr Mallet states they are the only voting members. However each licenece holder and official is registered within CM:S.
Now the register must include the registered office of each member, that is the state or territory association. Not the email address of the Executive Commissioners, a body that was made up by KA to blind side everyone else and make some people feel important.
The constitution quotes the following in relation to the nomination process:
7.3 Nominations for the position of Elected Director must be received by the AKA atleast 30 days prior to any election.Nominations must be:-(a) in writing;(b) signed by a nominator and a seconder, who must each be Members; and(c) certified by the nominee expressing his willingness to accept the position forwhich he is nominated.
Clause (b) then becomes a bit ambiguous as it only states 'member', but KA have decided that only refers to voting members. Again who were the 'voting' members who nominated any of the persons for election? Or two others to hold office on a tribunal panel?
Again I will reiterate, KA are going to try and later the consitution via some 'committee' to delete any further power of the karters.
The Newspaper at Gold Coast (picture attached) informs the world that Mr Doohan voluntarily attended the Police station .. in the news article its stated that Peter Edgar was a "banned Karting Australia member" I would like to see when and where he was banned - which judicial process did it and why ..
I think the Karting Australia media spin outlet got that all stuffed up and spun out ...!! ...l
GC news.png, 534 KB
IKC said at  no time was he banned for 15 years or any time at all.Channel 9 news should retract that statement.Probably get the footy show to do it.
For Peter Edgar to be a 'banned Karting Australia' member he must be banned by a Club as this is the only way an individual can be a 'banned Karting Australia' member. So what Club has banned Mr. Edgar? If not then the matter as reported is wrong & Mr. Edgar should consider defamation action against the entity that made this false claim. Ralph van Doorn said:
The Newspaper at Gold Coast (picture attached) informs the world that Mr Doohan voluntarily attended the Police station .. in the news article its stated that Peter Edgar was a "banned Karting Australia member" I would like to see when and where he was banned - which judicial process did it and why ..
I think the Karting Australia media spin outlet got that all stuffed up and spun out ...!! ...l
Or who ever supplied that informatin to them? richard gagie said:
For Peter Edgar to be a 'banned Karting Australia' member he must be banned by a Club as this is the only way an individual can be a 'banned Karting Australia' member. So what Club has banned Mr. Edgar? If not then the matter as reported is wrong & Mr. Edgar should consider defamation action against the entity that made this false claim. Ralph van Doorn said:
The Newspaper at Gold Coast (picture attached) informs the world that Mr Doohan voluntarily attended the Police station .. in the news article its stated that Peter Edgar was a "banned Karting Australia member" I would like to see when and where he was banned - which judicial process did it and why ..
I think the Karting Australia media spin outlet got that all stuffed up and spun out ...!! ...l
Very small field Neville! Who would you guess?
Well I guess that field could be narrowed down to ever Channel Nine contacted and then spoke to them? richard gagie said:
Very small field Neville! Who would you guess?
Yet more being banned because they have the audacity to speak up?
Who got it now Nev
Paul Ash, Dave Plumb, David Kent, Lucas Burt.
I've had first had experience of the same thing happening.  When a state wide union altered the constitution, without any notification of members, so that it could removed the right for members to hold or attend meetings within the workplace!  All because some union pro management cronies couldn't have their activities or positions challenged at Annual General Meetings.  As a result the cronies weren't able to be challenged about what they were doing in secret, and why there were absolutely no records or minutes of any of their meetings for 7 years.  One of the scum sucking molluscs was the State President of the union.Â
  Neville Scullion said:
Again I will reiterate, KA are going to try and later the consitution via some 'committee' to delete any further power of the karters.
And what are the states going to do about it? nothing, as they are either just to inept or on the gravy train.
About now, I would point out that when I looked at the system that was to replace the AKA, I did voice my oppinon that it was no better than AKA, and infact I could see it being even worse because it effectively added a further layer between the karter and the management.
I guess all of my fears have been and continue to be realised.
Lets be honest, there is no way that the states are going to act on behalf of the karters. this is obvious because for years under AKA, the states were the issues largely. they have also had years now to pull KA into line and have done NOTHING.
The only way that change will be effected now is a mass stike of karters, where EVERYONE pulls the pin and refuses to participate, therefore overnight it would stop the KA income in its tracks. No tyre royalties, no entry fees, no race meeting fees, nothing.
Unfortunantly, the apathy of karters and the fact that to many are all about me, this will never happen so it has been and is becoming even more so, a sad farewell to karting as a fun hobby accessible for everybody and it has firmly become a playground of the wealth elite.