Anyone know of any decent paddle shifter kits ?
Not really interested in air/electric type as i want to keep it simple and avoid any extra issue's that could occur ...
Are they recommended or do most just use the std left or right shifter ?
My current shifter is on the left side so im going to have to change to right shift so maybe a good time to upgrade to paddle style whilst im there ?
Re: Paddle Shifter Kit
Re: Paddle Shifter Kit
Re: Paddle Shifter Kit
Re: Paddle Shifter Kit
In my view, if you are after success in racing, keep it as simple as possible. The less there is, the less that can let you down when you dont want it to.
For example, With a standard shifting mechanisium, there are only 4 bolts, 2 nuts, 2 rod ends, one welded shift lever, one selecter lever and a shift rod and it is all as light weight as can be.
If using a Kelgate or similar system (I have had a Kelgate shifter) they are heavy and have too many components and have 2 of the worst mecanical components of all, Cables!!
Ask Warren or Sam if their Stockmans have a non stockman shifting system on board.
Only concentrait on what is important, driving, setup and power. You can win a title in a Stock kart.
I in no way want to try and say that there is anything wrong with "playing with things" on our karts as the sport is full of very talented people that do so and for some people that is half of the fun of having a kart.
Another example is when people have purchased a "production kart". (STOCKMAN
Stock works, get your money into your engine and drive the thing!! If you want something to do in between rounds, take the motor off, clean the kart and engine completely and do a nut and bolt tightness check. That should take care of 8 hrs or so if done properly. If you want something else to do, drive down to Tamworth with some cash and the kart and buy more power.
Re: Paddle Shifter Kit
Thats my philosiphy, yet I still can't help myself and buy all the go-fast bits. Go figure ::)